Chef Haru Profile Photo.png


Since a very young age, Chef Haru loved using her hands in creative pursuits. Her first taste of culinary endeavours happened while making mochi with her grandmother during the celebration of the full moon, as well as making bento boxes with her mom. Making food for her family and friends always felt rewarding, however the true catalyst that took her on an ocean bound, life changing quest was all a result of one special apple pie. As someone who would never typically make or order apple pie, she trusted the recommendation of a friend to experience the wonder that was the apple pie at Zarigani Cafe.

After just a bite, her mood was elevated and she understood the emotional impact food can have on people.

She packed her bags and flew to Toronto, Canada to study culinary arts at George Brown College. After honing her skills at a number of restaurants as a head chef, including Grasshopper, Live Organic Food Bar and Tsuchi Cafe, she is currently working as a freelance consultant and recipe developer. You might also find her doing occasional pop-ups and collaborations with likeminded people and brands.

Over the years Chef Haru has worked in the television industry, developed recipes for franchise restaurants, has been featured in magazines and by notable bloggers. Her extensive experience as an Executive Chef gives her a deep understanding of the restaurant business, as well as the refinement in consistently executing honest and comforting dishes. She prides herself on the visual aesthetic of her dishes, as she believes that the artistry behind a beautiful presentation is as important as the taste.

Chef Haru’s motivation comes from her passion for constant growth and personal improvement. The notion that food brings people together and that she is a big part of facilitating that, keeps her flame ignited.

“Itadakimasu” is a Japanese word for “Bon Appetite”, which directly translates to having gratitude for the meal itself, people that created it and the company that you’re sharing it with. Chef Haru takes this philosophy beyond the kitchen and into all aspects of her life, as gratitude and appreciation keep her humble and level headed as she moves forward towards growth and fulfillment.

Photo courtesy of @kaileemandel